part 6 our 12- Info series "Living and working in Germany"
part 6 Amtliche Beglaubigungen und Übersetzungen von Unterlagen und Dokumenten für das Anerkennungsverfahren
Wenn Sie in Deutschland einen Antrag zur Anerkennung oder eine berufliche Gleichwertigkeitsfeststellung beantragen, müssen Sie Ihre Original Unterlagen Beglaubigen und in die deutsche Sprache übersetzen lassen.
Amtliche Beglaubigungen 🇩🇪
Alle erforderlichen Dokument, job references, and so on. sind grundsätzlich im fremdsprachigen Original oder als amtlich beglaubigte Kopie vorzulegen. Official certifications must have been issued by a German authority holding the seal (either in Germany or in a German consulate in your home country)
translations 🇩🇪
Wenn Sie Ihre berufliches Anerkennungsverfahren für reglementierte Berufe oder eine Gleichwertigkeitsfeststellung für die in Ihrem Heimatland erworbenen Berufsausbildung oder Studium, want to apply for one of the competent authority in Germany or have, only translations of ordered or Germany sworn translators recognized.
Übersetzer die in Deutschland zugelassen sind, Please consult the following web address:
More and more are the authorities in Germany, filed translations of documents, created on a license issued in the home country translator or notary. These are not recognized due to the legal requirements in Germany. this leads to, that your approval process will be delayed and you will have to have a new translation made in accordance with the applicable laws in Germany. And you pay twice for the translations.
We spoke to the following licensed and sworn translators in Germany for you as part of the recognition process and agreed special conditions:
You can get the addresses at:
Intensive information on the specified areas, can be obtained from my multilingual website at:…/leben-und-ar…/
Please do not make hasty decisions for yourself and your family, before you have all the information to start a new life in Germany.
Getting to Germany is not easy and also takes time.
In my part 7 "German language training according to the European language proficiency levels". You will find extensive information on the selection criteria for a good language school in the information series “Living and Working in Germany”, What criteria should you use to choose a good language school for learning the German language?.
Should you still have any questions, they will be my local partners and me, You like to answer.
Send us an email at:…/consultation/
All the best and stay healthy.
Your Rudolf Sagner
German professionals Agency
Jobagentur Europe