In Germany, it is currently very difficult to obtain an apartment for rent. The rents are very high.
Speak to your prospective employer, if you work in the future with him, if he can provide you with an apartment for a reasonable rent to available. Companies in the social- and health sectors often offer their employees very company-owned apartments or have private Schwesternwohnheim.
For the first few weeks / months, until you find an apartment for rent or for sale in Germany, offer possibilities options. Hotels cost on average around 90 EUR per night. For a furnished two- to three-room apartment on time, you should be about depending on location and region 600
up to 1.200 reckon euros per month. Hostels usually charge between 20 and 30 EUR per night.
And then of course there's the possibility, under get over online portals in private homes of Germans, Contact with locals, including.
Buy or rent?
Unlike many other countries, most Germans live for rent - for simple reasons: In Germany there is a wide range of apartments in all locations and price ranges, from the small apartment to the villa with garden. Many of these rental properties are in excellent
State and not qualitatively different from condos. There is in Germany a special rent control, protects against exaggerated the rent increases and unfounded denunciations.
The apartment does not make any, whether you want to rent or buy an apartment or a house: housing- and house services is provided in the service parts of the newspapers and on real estate platforms
on the Internet, where now most available apartments and houses available. Supply and demand for apartments and houses are heavily dependent in Germany
of the region. While one gets the nod in rural areas as a tenant or buyer for the desired object rule, Select owners in major cities usually from several interested parties from. Especially in metropolitan areas around Munich and Frankfurt, the housing can- his or her house looking a bit more time consuming. Especially in these regions, it may make sense, from a
to let real estate agent assist you in finding. Brokers may no longer for their service in Germany by law be calculated as three months' rent. The cost of renting apartments and houses vary - as well in every country in the world - greatly by region. In big cities they have around 15 Euro per square meter for the rent and costs such as heating, expect water and gas. In small towns and
the country fall on average around 9 Euro per square meter.
The lease agreement
Leases must be completed in Germany in writing. Usually, the lease puts the basic rent, So the rent for the use of space. In addition, usually still an amount for incidental expenses comes, transfer the tenant together with the basic rent per month to the landlord.
What is part of the extra costs, can vary from lease to lease. The payments for electricity, Gas and water, for example, are often included in additional costs, but not always. Questions Therefore, before signing a lease, the landlord or the landlord, was
is part of the additional costs and could in addition come to you what costs.
What you need to do if you retraction?
Log in energy- and water utilities. if current, Water or heating gas are not included cost Mietneben-in, you need to find a provider and conclude with him a contract itself. The contact their regional utility you can usually call the landlord or the landlord. Log of telephone, Internet and (Electric wire-)watch TV. In Germany, there are several providers of telecommunications services. It pays to compare. Online portals help further here. For example, offer many discounted packages of telephone and Internet to. even solutions, on a
targeting mobile use, for example via the UMTS technology (4G) offered. One tip:
The establishment of the phone- and Internet connection can take several weeks. If possible, therefore sets you up best before moving in with a provider in connection. Fees for Television and Radio. for radio, TV or Internet PC levied in Germany license fees. Who uses this media, is therefore obliged, up after moving to the competent institution, the Gebühreneinzugszentrale (HINDSIGHT), to register. You can register online, The forms are usually also in post offices and banks.
Attach name on the mailbox and doorbell (if not done by the landlord). Only if your name is to find the mailbox, Your mail is delivered. An application at the post office is not necessary. Forwarding order. Do not forget, to have the mail forwarded from your home country to your new residence. If you are not at home again for a long time, You can use a redirection at Deutsche Post, also abroad, apply for.
residence Login
Everyone, lives in Germany, must be reported. Later than one week after moving in, you should do so at the registration- do or Bürgeramt. For this, you need a valid ID. apartment rental at you often need to specify the name of the owner or. show the lease. You can find the address of the local Residents' Registration Office on the website of the city, in which they take.
Work out right living
So that you feel comfortable in your home and in your neighborhood, We have put together a few tips here: Imagine. If you have settled down a bit, make out the round and stand with your neighbors - this is of course voluntary, but by this practice you will soon learn new people and also let you know, yet so who lives in your neighborhood.
night rest. Typically, between 22 - 6 PM made no noise, so that all come to their well-earned sleep. This means, for example,, that listening to music only on low volume, or the washing machine just does not run exactly in this period can. pets. small Animals, mainly in cages, Aquariums or terrariums are held, You can keep a purely legal in every apartment. When keeping larger animals like dogs and cats you need to advance from your landlord
or your landlord to obtain the approval. Large or small: If you want to maintain a good relationship, inform your landlord or your landlord in advance, What animal roommate you wish to acquire. Kehrwoche. In almost all federal states in Germany, there are agreements, Who cleans around the hallway in an apartment house or the sidewalk in front of the house. But do not worry - what may seem a chore, can develop to the weekly chat and socialize with the neighbors quickly!
Tap water is considered in Germany as the best controlled food. Water from the tap, so you can usually safely drink and use for cooking.
Only in old buildings you should check the water quality due to old pipes before.
waste separation. Did you know? We are the undisputed world champion German waste separation. whether blue, yellow, green or black bin: Collecting, Separation and sorting helps protect the environment by recycling raw materials.