The German school system
Are your children older than six years, they have to go to school, because in Germany the compulsory education. The vast majority of schools in Germany is operated by the state. Your children can therefore attend these schools free. Besides them, of course, be open to private and international schools. For although fees apply. Responsible for education policy are the individual states. Depending on the region, you drag with your family, You will therefore find something different school systems. For example, children learn in the individual federal states not always the same and use in some other textbooks. There is also in the individual provinces, different types of schools. However, a rough classification of the schools applies throughout Germany:
primary school:
The school usually starts for 6 years in elementary school. The visit the children of the
first through fourth grade. Only in Berlin and Brandenburg elementary school ends after the sixth grade. Depending on how well your children in elementary school are, You can then decide together with the teachers and teachers, what type of school your child goes from the fifth grade. The most common is the following breakdown in the secondary schools:
Secondary school (great 5-9/10)
Real School (great 5-10)
(Subject-) High school (great 5-12/13)
head- and junior high school:
youth, that successfully main- have completed secondary school or, can then
make a vocational training course or go on a high school or technical secondary school.
High school or university High School:
Here students can end the twelfth or thirteenth
Class obtained by a successfully tested their high school diploma or her diploma. This qualification entitles them, then to study at a university or college. But even graduates from high schools can choose direct entry into practice on vocational training.
How do you recognize a good school In general, you are free to decide, on which school in your town you want to send your child. therefore simply look at a few schools. A good school you realize, for example, it, that it offers not only good teaching, but additionally leisure activities such as theater performances, Sport, language- and music study groups or tours performs. The school should involve the parents in school activities. So ask not only on availability at school, but also by non-school provision. If your children the German language is not sure yet mastered, pay attention also to, providing that the school German courses. Most such courses called "German as a foreign language". Here, the teachers take care of it, your child in the classroom understands everything and no bad notes must fear.
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