The German Labor Code
The German working time law concerns the public service occupational safety. It limits as the maximum daily working time, it sets minimum rest breaks during working time and minimum rest periods between termination and resumption of work and rest on Sundays- and holidays fixed.
The Working Hours Act leg hold the minimum standart, by collective agreements in various sectors in addition better working conditions can be set for the employee.
Some contents of the German Working Hours Act.
How many hours can you work a maximum?
Therefore, the maximum weekly working time is 6 x 8 hours = 48 Hours. The working day may on 10 Hours be extended, but must be in the period of 24 Week on the average maximum weekly working time of 48 Hours are compensated.
Is it allowed 12 working hours straight?
The then additionally accrued working hours must be compensated within one year. In principle, including a 12-hour day may be possible. In construction, a 40-hour week is currently considered by collective agreement
What's working?
Working time is the time, the worker the employer's disposal should be. Here, certain limits must be observed, which are dictated by the ArbZG and other labor protection laws. In the situation of the working of the works council has a say.
How many hours of work without a break?
Workers are not allowed to work longer than six hours without a break. If the employee has worked six hours, he must 30 Minutes take a break. After nine hours of work, the pause is 45 Minutes. In Germany, the lunch break is usually in the period between 11:30 pm and 13:30 pm
How long a work week must be?
To § 3 S. 1 ArbZG the daily hours of work eight hours must not be exceeded in principle. However, all days other than business days within the meaning of the Working Hours Act from Monday to Saturday
See the following link to obtain the German Working Hours Act in the wording: