The skills shortage comes midsize companies expensive in Germany stand: The consulting company Ernst & Young (EY) appreciates, that the companies are scarce every year 46 billion euros in lost sales. Overall, there are currently in German medium-sized companies 360.000 Positions not filled.
In a poll published on Tuesday at 3000 according to EY 49 percent and, a drop in sales is to be expected due to vacancies. More than two-thirds of the companies also have problems finding employees. Every fifth company even finds it very difficult, to find sufficiently qualified employees. The consequence of this is therefore, that 62 percent of companies currently unable to fill vacancies.
“The shortage of skilled workers threatens the German middle class”, explained Peter Englisch from EY. The problem is particularly pressing in rural areas.
Many medium-sized companies are putting their hopes in refugees: 55 percent expect it, that the people coming to Germany will contribute to this, alleviate the shortage of skilled workers. A large majority – all in all 85 Percent – would give refugees a job in their own company. 49 percent of medium-sized companies are, according to EY “without reservation” ready.
The majority of companies see this as the biggest hurdle for the successful integration of refugees into the labor market (four out of five medium-sized companies) lack of knowledge of German. About three out of five companies criticize the unclear legal situation during ongoing asylum procedures and every second company fears planning uncertainties, because refugees can be deported, for example.