Recognition process
In recognition procedure checks the competent authority in Germany, if your foreign professional qualifications the German Occupation reference corresponds, So there are no essential differences. This test is called equivalence test.
regulated professions
Without an acknowledgment you should not work with your acquired abroad vocational qualification in Germany in these occupations. In Germany the regulated professions are, for example, doctor, male nurse, Lawyer, Lehrer, educators, etc..
In the regulated professions you need for the exercise of the profession or hold the professional designation is a recognition of your professional qualifications. Without an acknowledgment you should not work with your acquired abroad vocational qualification in Germany in these occupations.
Will study abroad in Germany recognized?
The Central Immigration Office describes the qualification, compares it with German university degrees and ranks the academic level. This is however not an official recognition of study abroad. The testimony serves only to, To help you get started on the German labor market.
How much recognition?
Currently the fees are, depending on the type of degree and the competent authority, in between 25 € and 1.000 €. The IHK FOSA and the Chambers of Crafts demand, depending on the process costs, in between 100 € and 600 €. In a rejection letter, the cost ranges between 100 € and 200 €.
How long you have to wait for an acknowledgment?
The examination of the application can take up to 6 take months. The decision period begins, if you have submitted all necessary documents
And if my profession is not regulated?
In this case, an official recognition is not legally required, d.h. You can apply with your foreign qualifications directly on the German labor market or become self-employed. However, a recognition or evaluation of your foreign qualification may be useful, to future employers a better assessment to enable your qualification.
Information on the process provides recognition Finder.
If you have completed university studies abroad, you can get a certificate of assessment by the Central Office for Foreign Education (BAR) take advantage of.
How do I find the competent certification authority?
Before you can apply for professional recognition, You must first determine your reference Occupation in Germany. This applies to regulated and non-regulated professions alike.
In determining the reference professional recognition Finder helps.
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